Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Startup Sales Person Analogy

I was recently asked by someone to help him to understand what makes a good salesperson in a start-up.  I thought to myself about the differences in sales people.

An incumbent sales person is a relationship sales-person…they work on a relationship for a long period of time.  Their goal is to keep their customer from looking somewhere else. 

A start-up salesperson must defeat incumbents not just other startup companies – trust me incumbency is the hardest thing to beat.

So I told this inquiring person the following story –

“You get to college as a freshman and get put on a coed floor in a dorm. 

Down the hall there is a really cool girl…she is a year older than you, she is funny, pretty and smart…suffice it to say she is the object of your desire (as well as the other 10 guys on the hall). 

Problem, she has a boyfriend (let’s call him the incumbent vendor)…. She has a relationship and she knows what she gets from that relationship (it is safe)…it may not be the best product or service but she knows what to expect.

Your task is to make her think that with you she can dream new dreams… a life better than she has or would have with the existing relationship. (You have to displace the incumbent vendor!!!)  You also must be there in the correct keep other challengers away.  You must establish comfort and trust! 

It takes time – you ask questions – you listen – you have deep conversations that get to the “essence” of a better situation.   You highlight how you may be the answer to her new and improved dreams…

You go to a college party and you get up your courage – you tell her how you feel (you ask for the order).   Most likely she tells you she has to think about it (evaluation)… You come back with an alternative – a trial – “friends that kiss”. 

Over about 30-90 days she tests you in new ways…sometimes she throws it all at you at once…other times she barely pushes your limits… at some point the limbo is killing you… you ask for the order again. 

You have done it…she agrees to drop her old boyfriend… you won (the deal) – you are now the guy (vendor) of choice.  But now you still have to wow her (incredible support) and you have to make sure you under-promised her dreams and then over-deliver.
Don’t screw this up…she is that special!!!

The guy looked at me a bit strangely and said – “wow” – Now I understand – “a startup guy has to unplug others equipment to get his in” !

I said “wait till you go to a sales club with me”  -- you will fully understand!

By the way – I married that girl.  And like a great client she teaches me something everyday…and has enabled me to reach new heights.   

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